Getting Started
conda install
recommended packages
Update xsar to the latest version
Developement installation
XSAR simple example
XSAR example
Open a dataset with a xsar.Sentinel1Meta object
Open a dataset at lower resolution
Extract a sub image of 10*10km around a lon/lat point
Convert (lon,lat) to (line, sample)
Extract the sub-image
Projecting data on a map
Opening the dataset
Display the image without projection
Reprojecting to epsg 4326, using rioxarray.reproject
Exporting to geotiff
Exporting without colormap
Exporting with RGBA colormap
Reprojecting to pre-defined grid
Mapping a raster onto original xsar grid
Raster masks from vector masks
Mask sigma0 over land
Adding masks
Convert a mask to dataset coordinates
Open multiples datasets
Getting all xsar.Sentinel1Meta objects from a list of path
xsar batch processing on datarmor (ifremer)
Set up environment
Get a node with internet access
install environement
download and execute this notebook
Get input and outputs as rows of a pandas dataframe
Main processing function
set up the dask cluster
workers tab
info tab
waiting for the cluster to be operationnal
Split df_safes into smaller parts
the batch processing function
launch the distributed computation
what is specific to TOPS SLC products?
How to read a TOPS SLC product with xsar ?
to open a multi dataset
to open a specific subswath
content of the Sentinel1Dataset python object
open the datatree
open dataset
get the s1meta
add high resolution interpolated variables
perform calibration and denoizing on sigma0, gamma0 and beta0
get azimuth time variable
get the ground range spacing
get complex digital number
additional informations
API reference
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