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Raster masks from vector masks

xsar.Sentinel1Dataset.dataset has a land_mask variable by default, rasterized from cartopy.feature.NaturalEarthFeature(‘physical’, ‘land’, ‘10m’)

Mask sigma0 over land

Replacing sigma0 values with nan over ocean can be done with xarray.where

import xarray as xr
import xsar
import numpy as np
import os
ds = xsar.open_dataset(xsar.get_test_file('S1B_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20181013T062322_20181013T062347_013130_018428_Z010.SAFE'), resolution='1000m')

# apply land_mask. The final transpose is done to preserve dimensions ordering
ds['sigma0_land'] = xr.where(ds['land_mask'], ds['sigma0'], np.nan).transpose(*ds['sigma0'].dims)

<xarray.DataArray 'sigma0_land' (pol: 2, line: 166, sample: 265)>
dask.array<transpose, shape=(2, 166, 265), dtype=float64, chunksize=(1, 166, 265), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
  * pol          (pol) object 'VV' 'VH'
  * line         (line) float64 49.5 149.5 249.5 ... 1.645e+04 1.655e+04
  * sample       (sample) float64 49.5 149.5 249.5 ... 2.635e+04 2.645e+04
    spatial_ref  int64 0

Adding masks

Masks can be added with xsar.Sentinel1Meta.set_mask_feature, providing a shapefile or a cartopy.feature.Feature object.

For a default mask for all SAFE, use classmethod xsar.Sentinel1Meta.set_mask_feature

Here, we add a ocean_mask dataset variable:

xsar.Sentinel1Meta.set_mask_feature('ocean', os.path.join(xsar.get_test_file('water-polygons-split-4326'), 'water_polygons.shp'))

s1meta = xsar.Sentinel1Meta(xsar.get_test_file('S1B_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20181013T062322_20181013T062347_013130_018428_Z010.SAFE'))
ds = xsar.open_dataset(s1meta, resolution='200m')
ds['sigma0_ocean'] = xr.where(ds['ocean_mask'], ds['sigma0'], np.nan).transpose(*ds['sigma0'].dims)

Dimensions:       (pol: 2, line: 834, sample: 1329)
  * pol           (pol) object 'VV' 'VH'
  * line          (line) float64 9.5 29.5 49.5 ... 1.663e+04 1.665e+04 1.667e+04
  * sample        (sample) float64 9.5 29.5 49.5 ... 2.655e+04 2.657e+04
    spatial_ref   int64 0
Data variables:
    sigma0_ocean  (pol, line, sample) float64 dask.array<chunksize=(1, 834, 1329), meta=np.ndarray>
    ocean_mask    (line, sample) int8 dask.array<chunksize=(834, 1329), meta=np.ndarray>
Attributes: (12/17)
    name:              SENTINEL1_DS:/tmp/S1B_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20181013T062322_201...
    short_name:        SENTINEL1_DS:S1B_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20181013T062322_20181013...
    product:           GRDH
    safe:              S1B_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20181013T062322_20181013T062347_01313...
    swath:             IW
    multidataset:      False
    ...                ...
    footprint:         POLYGON ((-1.371244242212007 48.8181227490355, -4.9521...
    coverage:          168km * 265km (line * sample )
    pixel_line_m:      <xarray.DataArray 'azimuthPixelSpacing' ()>\narray(10....
    pixel_sample_m:    <xarray.DataArray 'groundRangePixelSpacing' ()>\narray...
    orbit_pass:        Descending
    platform_heading:  -165.3526446468305

Masks are available as a shapely object (lon/lat coordinates), with xsar.Sentinel1Meta.get_mask:

When using this s1meta object with xsar.Sentinel1Meta.footprint, mask are rasterized over the dataset, and variables postfixed with _mask are created.

Convert a mask to dataset coordinates

xsar.Sentinel1Meta.ll2coords allow converting lon/lat coordinates on shapely objects.

So it’s possible to plot the vector mask on a raster variable:

import holoviews as hv
import geoviews.feature as gf
from holoviews.operation.datashader import datashade,rasterize

# get the shapely polygon of the mask (on the footprint, lon/lat)
land_poly = s1meta.get_mask('ocean')

# convert lon/lat to line/sample
land_poly_coords = s1meta.ll2coords(s1meta.get_mask('ocean'))

# plot masked sigma0, with coastline

    hv.Image(ds['sigma0_ocean'].sel(pol='VV')).opts(cmap='gray',clim=(0,0.2), colorbar=True,tools=['hover'],title="xsar") \
    * hv.Path(land_poly_coords).opts(color='lightgreen',width=800,height=800)