API reference

xsar.open_dataset(*args, **kwargs)
  • *args – Passed to xsar.SentinelDataset

  • **kwargs – Passed to xsar.SentinelDataset


Return type



xsar.open_dataset` is a simple wrapper to xsar.SentinelDataset that directly returns the xarray.Dataset object.

>>> xsar.SentinelDataset(*args, **kwargs).dataset
xsar.product_info(path, columns='minimal', include_multi=False, driver='GTiff', _xml_parser=None)
  • path (str or iterable of str) – path or gdal url.

  • columns (list of str or str, optional) – ‘minimal’ by default: only include columns from attributes found in manifest.safe. Use ‘spatial’ to have ‘time_range’ and ‘geometry’. Might be a list of properties from xsar.SentinelMeta

  • include_multi (bool, optional) – False by default: don’t include multi datasets


One dataset per lines, with info as columns

Return type


class xsar.SentinelMeta(name, xml_parser=None, driver='GTiff')

Handle dataset metadata. A xsar.SentinelMeta object can be used with xsar.open_dataset, but it can be used as itself: it contain usefull attributes and methods.


name (str) – path or gdal identifier like ‘SENTINEL1_DS:%s:WV_001’ % path


GDAL driver used. (‘auto’ for SENTINEL1, or ‘tiff’)


Dataset path


Safe file name


Product type, like ‘GRDH’, ‘SLC’, etc ..


Gdal dataset name


Dataset identifier (like ‘WV_001’, ‘IW1’, ‘IW’), or empty string for multidataset


Like name, but without path


Subdatasets list (empty if single dataset)


True if multi dataset


Mission platform


Check if dataset name belong to this SentinelMeta object.


name (str) – dataset name


Return type


property orbit_pass

Orbit pass, i.e ‘Ascending’ or ‘Descending’

property platform_heading

Platform heading, relative to north

property rio

get rasterio.io.DatasetReader object. This object is usefull to get image height, width, shape, etc… See rasterio doc for more infos.

property safe_files

Files and polarizations for whole SAFE. The index is the file number, extracted from the filename. To get files in official SAFE order, the resulting dataframe should be sorted by polarization or index.


with columns:
  • index : file number, extracted from the filename.

  • dsid : dataset id, compatible with gdal sentinel1 driver (‘SENTINEL1_DS:/path/file.SAFE:WV_012’)

  • polarization : polarization name.

  • annotation : xml annotation file.

  • calibration : xml calibration file.

  • noise : xml noise file.

  • measurement : tiff measurement file.

Return type


property files

Files for current dataset. (Empty for multi datasets)

property gcps

get gcps from self.rio


xarray.DataArray with atracks/xtracks coordinates, and gcps as values. attrs is a dict with keys [‘footprint’, ‘coverage’, ‘pixel_atrack_m’, ‘pixel_xtrack_m’ ]

Return type


property footprint

footprint, as a shapely polygon or multi polygon

property geometry

alias for footprint

set_mask_feature(name, feature)

Set a named mask from a shapefile or a cartopy feature.

  • name (str) – mask name

  • feature (str or cartopy.feature.Feature) – if str, feature is a path to a shapefile.


Add an ‘ocean’ mask: ` >>> self.set_mask_feature('ocean', cartopy.feature.OCEAN) `


Get mask from name (e.g. ‘land’) as a shapely Polygon. The resulting polygon is contained in the footprint.


name (str) –


Return type


property coverage

coverage, as a string like ‘251km * 170km (xtrack * atrack )’

property pixel_atrack_m

pixel atrack spacing, in meters (at sensor level)

property pixel_xtrack_m

pixel xtrack spacing, in meters (at sensor level)

property time_range

time range as pd.Interval

property start_date

start date, as datetime.datetime

property stop_date

stort date, as datetime.datetime

property denoised

dict with pol as key, and bool as values (True is DN is predenoised at L1 level)

property ipf

ipf version

property swath

string like ‘EW’, ‘IW’, ‘WV’, etc …

property pols

polarisations strings, separated by spaces

property cross_antemeridian

True if footprint cross antemeridian

coords2ll(*args, to_grid=False)

convert atracks, xtracks arrays to longitude and latitude arrays. or a shapely object in atracks, xtracks coordinates to longitude and latitude.

  • *args (atracks, xtracks or a shapely geometry) – atracks, xtracks are iterables or scalar

  • to_grid (bool, default False) – If True, atracks and xtracks must be 1D arrays. The results will be 2D array of shape (atracks.size, xtracks.size).


(longitude, latitude) , with shape depending on to_grid keyword.

Return type

tuple of np.array or tuple of float

ll2coords(*args, dataset=None)

Get (atracks, xtracks) from (lon, lat), or convert a lon/lat shapely shapely object to atrack/xtrack coordinates.


*args (lon, lat or shapely object) – lon and lat might be iterables or scalars


Return type

tuple of np.array or tuple of float (atracks, xtracks) , or a shapely object


get nearest (atrack,xtrack) from (lon,lat) = (84.81, 21.32) in ds, without bounds checks

>>> (atrack, xtrack) = meta.ll2coords(84.81, 21.32) # (lon, lat)
>>> (atrack, xtrack)
(9752.766349989339, 17852.571322887554)
coords2heading(atracks, xtracks, to_grid=False)

Get image heading (atracks increasing direction) at coords atracks, xtracks.

  • atracks (np.array or scalar) –

  • xtracks (np.array or scalar) –

  • to_grid (bool) – If True, atracks and xtracks must be 1D arrays. The results will be 2D array of shape (atracks.size, xtracks.size).


heading , with shape depending on to_grid keyword.

Return type

np.array or float

property approx_transform

Affine transfom from gcps.

This is an inaccurate transform, with errors up to 600 meters. But it’s fast, and may fit some needs, because the error is stable localy. See xsar.SentinelMeta.coords2ll xsar.SentinelMeta.ll2coords for accurate methods.


get longitude and latitude from tuple (atrack, xtrack):

>>> longitude, latitude = self.transform * (atrack, xtrack)

get atrack and xtrack from tuple (longitude, latitude)

>>> atrack, xtrack = ~self.transform * (longitude, latitude)
class xsar.SentinelDataset(dataset_id, resolution=None, resampling=<Resampling.average: 5>, luts=False, chunks={'atrack': 5000, 'xtrack': 5000}, dtypes=None)

Handle a SAFE subdataset. A dataset might contain several tiff files (multiples polarizations), but all tiff files must share the same footprint.

The main attribute useful to the end-user is self.dataset (xarray.Dataset , with all variables parsed from xml and tiff files.)

  • dataset_id (str or SentinelMeta object) – if str, it can be a path, or a gdal dataset identifier like ‘SENTINEL1_DS:%s:WV_001’ % filename)

  • resolution (dict, optional) – resampling dict like {‘atrack’: 20, ‘xtrack’: 20} where 20 is in pixels.

  • resampling (rasterio.enums.Resampling or str, optional) – Only used if resolution is not None. ` rasterio.enums.Resampling.average` by default. rasterio.enums.Resampling.nearest (decimation) is fastest.

  • luts (bool, optional) – if True return also luts as variables (ie sigma0_lut, gamma0_lut, etc…). False by default.

  • chunks (dict, optional) – dict with keys [‘pol’,’atrack’,’xtrack’] (dask chunks).

  • dtypes (None or dict, optional) – Specify the data type for each variable.


xsar.SentinelMeta object


Alias for xsar.SentinelMeta.coords2ll

property dataset

xarray.Dataset representation of this xsar.SentinelDataset object. This property can be set with a new dataset, if the dataset was computed from the original dataset.

property geometry

geometry of this dataset, as a shapely.geometry.Polygon (lon/lat coordinates)

property footprint

alias for xsar.SentinelDataset.geometry


Get (atracks, xtracks) from (lon, lat), or convert a lon/lat shapely shapely object to atrack/xtrack coordinates.


*args (lon, lat or shapely object) – lon and lat might be iterables or scalars


Return type

tuple of np.array or tuple of float (atracks, xtracks) , or a shapely object


The difference with xsar.SentinelMeta.ll2coords is that coordinates are rounded to the nearest dataset coordinates.

property len_atrack_m

atrack length, in meters

property len_xtrack_m

xtrack length, in meters

property pixel_atrack_m

atrack pixel spacing, in meters (relative to dataset)

property pixel_xtrack_m

xtrack pixel spacing, in meters (relative to dataset)

property coverage

coverage string


TODO: replace ds_var by var_name Inverse of _apply_calibration_lut : from var_name, reverse apply lut, to get digital_number. See official ESA documentation . > Level-1 products provide four calibration Look Up Tables (LUTs) to produce ß0i, σ0i and γi > or to return to the Digital Number (DN)

A warning message may be issued if original complex ‘digital_number’ is converted to module during this operation.


ds_var (xarray.Dataset) – with only one variable name that must exist in self._map_var_lut to be able to reverse the lut to get digital_number


with one variable named ‘digital_number’.

Return type
