get product info from a list of safes path

Each line represent metadata information for all datasets founds in safe_list.

There are more dataset than paths, because some SAFEs can have multiple subdatasets (like WV or IW_SLC)

xsar.product_info returns all datasets, including nested one and multi ones

the 'multi' columns allows to see witch safe are multi datasets

a multi dataset cannot be directly opened as an xarray dataset with xsar.open_dataset. The user must provide a single dataset to xsar.open_dataset

Here are the openable WV datasets:

There are 3 ways to open a dataset with xsar.open_dataset:

  1. by path This will fail if the safe path as subdatasets
  2. by gdal dataset id
  3. by meta object

extended columns for xsar.product_info

with 'columns="spatial"' keyword, the dataframe has also 'time_range' and 'footprint' columns

using meta object

Dataset attributes are stored in ds1.attrs, but those attributes must respect the CF convention to be properly dumped to disk.

So those attributes are numbers or strings, and are not easyly handable by the python programmer

meta has also some usefull methods