2023-10-17 18:32:11,584 [INFO] Getting data from Cyclobs API. Req : http://derive.ifremer.fr/app/api/getData?include_cols=all&filename=20170829t002530-20170829t002710 2023-10-17 18:32:12,634 [INFO] Getting IBTRACS data from Cyclobs API. Req : http://derive.ifremer.fr/app/api/getData?include_cols=all&filename=20170829t002530-20170829t002710&track_source=ibtracs 2023-10-17 18:32:14,006 [INFO] file : /home/datawork-cersat-public/cache/public/ftp/project/sarwing/processings/c39e79a/xsardef/sentinel-1a/L2C/IW/S1A_IW_OWIH_1S/2017/241/S1A_IW_OWIH_CC_20170829T002530_20170829T002710_018131_01E74D/post_processing/nclight_L2M/s1a-iw-owi-cm-20170829t002530-20170829t002710-000003-01E74D_sw.nc 2023-10-17 18:32:14,006 [INFO] extracting SAR image info for file nclight_L2M... /home/datawork-cersat-public/cache/project/sarwing/users/tcevaer/tc_center/tc_center/functions.py:790: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt grad = np.sqrt((np.gradient(wspdcop)[0] ** 2 + np.gradient(wspdcop)[1] ** 2)) 2023-10-17 18:32:15,778 [INFO] Atcf lon/lat -95.36666666666667/28.19166666666667 2023-10-17 18:32:20,164 [INFO] Distance to coast of track point is 67438.54774715583 meters. 2023-10-17 18:32:20,178 [INFO] Distance between aquisition border and track point is 98720.7063063072 meters. 2023-10-17 18:32:20,189 [INFO] 0.10504846929342193% of area of 100km around atcf track is outside acquisition bounding box 2023-10-17 18:32:20,216 [INFO] 8.528999934874715% of area of 100km around atcf track point that is inside acquisition bounding box is land. 2023-10-17 18:32:20,216 [INFO] 8.634048404168137% of area of 100km around track point is not usable (land or outside of acquisition). 2023-10-17 18:32:20,218 [INFO] SAR image has 94027 non-masked points. 2023-10-17 18:32:44,892 [WARNING] Procedure OK but many points are masked... TC might be on land 2023-10-17 18:32:44,894 [INFO] Starting creation of NetCDF products... 2023-10-17 18:32:44,896 [INFO] Getting data from Cyclobs track API. Req : http://derive.ifremer.fr/app/api/track?include_cols=all&sid=al092017&freq=15&min_date=2017-08-27&max_date=2017-08-31 2023-10-17 18:32:44,896 [INFO] Acquisition datetime is 2017-08-29 00:26:20 2023-10-17 18:32:45,048 [INFO] Found propagation angle to north is -109.53661125569086°, dir std 0.07179887157354506, speed : 2.144425772224613 m/s, speed_std 0.28405660358892015 2023-10-17 18:32:45,096 [INFO] Creating aeqd gridded dataset... 2023-10-17 18:32:48,378 [INFO] Done creating aeqd gridded dataset. 2023-10-17 18:32:48,438 [INFO] Converting dataset to polar... 2023-10-17 18:32:49,491 [INFO] Done converting dataset to polar. 2023-10-17 18:32:49,491 [INFO] Rotating polar dataset... 2023-10-17 18:32:49,497 [INFO] Done rotating polar dataset.. 2023-10-17 18:32:49,497 [INFO] Rotating cartesian dataset... 2023-10-17 18:32:49,858 [INFO] Done rotating cartesian dataset. 2023-10-17 18:32:49,858 [INFO] Adding wind direction related variables... 2023-10-17 18:32:49,991 [INFO] Done adding wind direction related variables. 2023-10-17 18:32:49,991 [INFO] Computing radii using polar north dataset... 2023-10-17 18:33:03,072 [INFO] Done computing radii using polar north dataset. 2023-10-17 18:33:03,141 [INFO] Computing shapes from eye center research procedure results, to be added to dataset... 2023-10-17 18:33:03,143 [INFO] Done computing shapes. 2023-10-17 18:33:08,784 [INFO] Adding attributes to the 4 datasets... 2023-10-17 18:33:08,788 [INFO] Flag value : track_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,788 [INFO] Flag value : lwind_hwind_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,789 [INFO] Flag value : eye_length_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,789 [INFO] Flag value : eye_circularity_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,790 [INFO] Flag value : dist_lwind_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,790 [INFO] Flag value : eye_contained_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,791 [INFO] Flag value : distance_center_bbox_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,791 [INFO] Flag value : distance_track_bbox_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,792 [INFO] Flag value : land_flag -> 2 2023-10-17 18:33:08,792 [INFO] Flag value : track_point_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,793 [INFO] Flag value : percent_eye_bbox_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,794 [INFO] Flag value : center_quality_flag -> 1.8 2023-10-17 18:33:08,858 [INFO] Flag value : track_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,858 [INFO] Flag value : lwind_hwind_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,859 [INFO] Flag value : eye_length_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,859 [INFO] Flag value : eye_circularity_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,860 [INFO] Flag value : dist_lwind_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,860 [INFO] Flag value : eye_contained_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,861 [INFO] Flag value : distance_center_bbox_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,861 [INFO] Flag value : distance_track_bbox_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,862 [INFO] Flag value : land_flag -> 2 2023-10-17 18:33:08,862 [INFO] Flag value : track_point_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,863 [INFO] Flag value : percent_eye_bbox_flag -> 0 2023-10-17 18:33:08,864 [INFO] Flag value : center_quality_flag -> 1.8 2023-10-17 18:33:08,924 [INFO] Done adding attributes to the 4 datasets. 2023-10-17 18:33:08,924 [INFO] Saving to netcdf... 2023-10-17 18:33:08,924 [INFO] Writing netCDF product to /home/datawork-cersat-public/cache/public/ftp/project/cyclobs/data/from_xsar/tc_center/product/s1a-iw-owi-ca-20170829t002530-20170829t002710-000003-01E74D_sw_al092017_geogr_gd.nc 2023-10-17 18:33:10,860 [INFO] Writing netCDF product to /home/datawork-cersat-public/cache/public/ftp/project/cyclobs/data/from_xsar/tc_center/product/s1a-iw-owi-ca-20170829t002530-20170829t002710-000003-01E74D_sw_al092017_geogr_polar.nc 2023-10-17 18:33:11,302 [INFO] Writing netCDF product to /home/datawork-cersat-public/cache/public/ftp/project/cyclobs/data/from_xsar/tc_center/product/s1a-iw-owi-ca-20170829t002530-20170829t002710-000003-01E74D_sw_al092017_cyclone_polar.nc 2023-10-17 18:33:11,854 [INFO] Writing netCDF product to /home/datawork-cersat-public/cache/public/ftp/project/cyclobs/data/from_xsar/tc_center/product/s1a-iw-owi-ca-20170829t002530-20170829t002710-000003-01E74D_sw_al092017_geogr_gd.nc 2023-10-17 18:33:13,808 [INFO] Done saving. 2023-10-17 18:33:13,892 [INFO] wrote /home/datawork-cersat-public/cache/public/ftp/project/cyclobs/data/from_xsar/tc_center/fix/SARFIX_bal092017.dat 2023-10-17 18:33:13,897 [INFO] wrote /home/datawork-cersat-public/cache/public/ftp/project/cyclobs/data/from_xsar/tc_center/fix/SARFIX_s1a-iw-owi-cc-20170829t002530-20170829t002710-018131-01E74D.dat