TC FIX analysis

Cyclone name LIDIA
Basin NEP
ATCF vmax (m/s) 18
SAR-derived vmax (m/s) 21.4
SAR-derived rmax (km) 170.0
Cyclone estimated speed (m/s) 5.1
Acquisition time 2017-09-02 13:36:47
Satellite instrument C-Band SAR
Satellite mission S1A
SAR-derived eye center position (lon / lat) -113.8 / 31.2
SAR-derived center quality flag 6.5
Shortest distance to coast from interpolated track point -0.0 km
Shortest distance to acquisition border from interpolated track point 43.75 km
Area within 100km around track point outside acquisition bounding box 23.12%
Area of 100km around track point inside acquisition bounding box and on land 38.59%
Download TC analysis NETCDF product
Download center analysis FIX for this image SARFIX_s1a-iw-owi-cc-20170902t133647-20170902t133827-018197-01E94D.dat
Download center analysis FIX for this storm SARFIX_bep142017.dat']
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