TC FIX analysis

Cyclone name IAN
Basin NA
ATCF vmax (m/s) 54
SAR-derived vmax (m/s) 54.57
SAR-derived rmax (km) 39.0
Cyclone estimated speed (m/s) 4.52
Acquisition time 2022-09-27 23:27:35
Satellite instrument C-Band SAR
Satellite mission RS2
SAR-derived eye center position (lon / lat) -83.1 / 24.3
SAR-derived center quality flag 0.0
Shortest distance to coast from interpolated track point 35.32 km
Shortest distance to acquisition border from interpolated track point 95.03 km
Area within 100km around track point outside acquisition bounding box 0.69%
Area of 100km around track point inside acquisition bounding box and on land 0.01%
Download TC analysis NETCDF product
Download center analysis FIX for this image SARFIX_rs2--owi-cc-20220927t232735-20220927t232958-77195-7DB2E.dat
Download center analysis FIX for this storm SARFIX_bal092022.dat']
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